Joaquin Phoenix revealed how he lost 23 pounds for the role of the Joker
To play the lead role in the movie The Joker, Joaquin Phoenix had to undergo a dramatic transformation. This 44-year-old actor lost a shocking 23 pounds on the eve of filming and has just discovered the drastic methods needed to lose weight so significantly.
In a recent interview he gave for Access Hollywood, Phoenix explained that he sought medical attention to ensure he could lose weight safely.
"I lost weight under the supervision of a physician to make sure the entire process was completely safe," the actor said.
Although the adage dictates that an apple keeps a person away from doctors daily, Phoenix said it was not true that he ate one apple a day to make an extreme change in his appearance, which his fans initially believed.
Specifically, a huge reduction in daily calorie intake has led to him losing as much as 23 pounds, according to Men's Health.
"It wasn't an apple a day. My diet was based on a lot of salad and beans," explains Joaquin Phoenix.
Pushing the boundaries when it comes to nutrition has become a trend in Hollywood. Jared Leto had to lose weight to play the series of bizarre, vicious scenes for "Suicide Squad" and also Heath Ledger, who was posthumously awarded an Oscar for his role in "The Dark Knight".